
A. Aims of English Language Teaching

The aims of English language Teaching in our school:

  • to provide every learner of a second language with further opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work in the English medium; and
  • to enable every learner to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology; these demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study and work in the English medium.

The Subject Target for English Language is for learners to develop an ever-improving capability to use English

  • to think and communicate;
  • to acquire, develop and apply knowledge;
  • to respond and give expression to experience;

And within these contexts, to develop and apply an ever-increasing understanding of how language is organized, used and learned.


B. An extensive curriculum

We set students on the path to success through a stimulating and comprehensive curriculum. We focus on practical language skills and hands on activities. Our curriculum includes the following:

  • PLPRW (P.1-P.3): Incorporates instruction of phonics, reading strategies and writing skills by NETs and local teachers to build students into proficient readers
  • DTS/ RAC (P.1-P.3): Broadens students’ horizons by introducing other subjects through the use of text sets
  • SuRE (P.4-P.6): Enhances students’ abilities through instruction in advanced reading strategies and critical literacy
  • Show and Tell (P.4-P.6): Fosters confidence and develops public speaking skills needed for secondary school success by allowing students to practice with a NET


C. Innovative learning through IT

We unleash students’ potential by embracing technology. Exciting IT activities make learning fun and inspire pupils. Here are a few examples of our initiatives:

  • Established BYOD for all students
  • Launched Highlights Library to give students a vast selection of online books and develop their love of reading
  • Incorporated a variety of apps into our daily lessons such as Padlet, Flipgrid and Nearpod to motivate and prepare students for the future


D. English for life

Extracurricular activities not only provide opportunities to practice English outside the classroom but also arouse students’ interest and inspire their creativity. Students can enjoy these activities:

  • Musical Drama
  • New Zealand Study Tour
  • Solo Verse Speaking Contest and Choral Speaking Contest
  • School excursion
  • P.6 Mock Interview Day
  • English activities and visits after school and on Saturday
  • Promoting English as an English Ambassador
  • English morning assembly
  • Morning story time
  • English karaoke with our robot Temi
  • Recess games with NET teachers and English ambassadors
  • English induction lessons for K3 kindergarten students (Pre-Primary One students)
  • English activities for local kindergarten students
  • Hosting “A Minute a Week” and “Campus TV” on YouTube and Facebook
  • The Filmit Competition
  • Drama Festival
  • Storytelling / Writing / Reading Aloud Competition
  • An Annual English Fun Day
Musical Drama

It’s our big dance number!

I love acting!

Our costumes are so colourful!

We worked really hard to practice the songs.

I’m a star!

Thank you for watching our show!

New Zealand Study Tour

We finally arrived in New Zealand after a long flight.

We got some cute souvenirs!

Our host family made this delicious dinner for us.

It’s so much fun exploring New Zealand!

My yummy lunch!

Such a gentle lamb!

Solo verse and choral speaking

We are proud to join the Choral Speaking Competition.

Joining the Solo Verse Speaking competition was a great experience.

School excursion

Look at the games we made!

We’re ready for exciting English activities!

This was such an interesting tour of the HKU campus.

We really bonded and learned teamwork during this camp.

P.6 Mock interview day

I’m getting ready for my secondary school interviews.

Saturday Activities

There are so many Saturday activities to choose from.

We’re learning phonics together!

English Ambassadors

Our proud English Ambassadors!

English Morning Assembly

Now it’s time for the morning assembly!


It’s time for karaoke with TEMI the robot!

Play it again, TEMI!

Recess activities

This is a great game!

iPads are a good way to learn.

Puzzles are fun!

English day is awesome!

English Induction lessons for K3

I know the answer! Pick me!

Drawing our dream house.

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!

We are learning together.

STEM Birthday Party

Let’s sing a song together.

Teacher says touch your head!

It’s fun to build things!

The student helpers are so kind!

Let’s listen and follow along!

Thank you for your help Principal Lam!

Campus TV & A minute a week

It’s time for “A minute a week”.

Two “Campus TV” hosts talking about their favourite foods.

Drama Festival

Check out our costumes for the Drama Festival!

Storytelling Competition

I love telling stories!

Annual English Fun Day

Playing games during English Fun Day.

The ambassadors are so kind.

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